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As últimas notícias sobre o serviço SPFBL e assuntos relacionados a SPAM.

Generic rDNS refers to a sequential name pattern for a large set of IPs in a datacenter or ISP. The generic rDNS is immediately set when the ISP receives the IP block, much before the IP is allocated on a real machine. Therefore, generic rDNS is a name given to IP and not a name given to host.   Examples of generic rDNS   Generic rDNS usually follows a...

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Forward-confirmed reverse DNS (FCrDNS) is an rDNS configuration that defines strong relationship between IP and domain. FCrDNS implementation depends on a joint action between the IP administrator and the domain administrator. When FCrDNS is valid, there is a guarantee that the domain owner has responsibility for the use of IP.   How to check FCrDNS for IPv4   To check the FCrDNS, you must query the rDNS. As an...

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Reverse DNS (rDNS) is the naming method of the machine that is using a given IP and is defined by the IP block administrators through the PTR record in DNS.   How to discover the rDNS of an IPv4   To discover the rDNS of an IPv4, just consult the PTR of the IP reverse form with "". As an example, the IP "" is transformed into "" and...

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Acabamos de implementar um novo método para denunciar mensagens de SPAM que foram recebidas pelo nosso serviço de filtragem MX e entregues.   Sempre que isto ocorrer, do nosso serviço entregar SPAM, o SPAM que for encaminhado para será automaticamente denunciado e o remetente será automaticamente bloqueado em alguns casos.   Peçam sempre para seus usuários que informem qualquer abuso percebido por parte dos remetentes. Quando mais denuncias...

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